# 声明:本代码仅供学习和研究目的使用。使用者应遵守以下原则: # 1. 不得用于任何商业用途。 # 2. 使用时应遵守目标平台的使用条款和robots.txt规则。 # 3. 不得进行大规模爬取或对平台造成运营干扰。 # 4. 应合理控制请求频率,避免给目标平台带来不必要的负担。 # 5. 不得用于任何非法或不当的用途。 # # 详细许可条款请参阅项目根目录下的LICENSE文件。 # 使用本代码即表示您同意遵守上述原则和LICENSE中的所有条款。 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : relakkes@gmail.com # @Time : 2024/1/14 21:35 # @Desc : 微博存储实现类 import asyncio import csv import json import os import pathlib from typing import Dict import aiofiles import config from base.base_crawler import AbstractStore from tools import utils, words from var import crawler_type_var def calculate_number_of_files(file_store_path: str) -> int: """计算数据保存文件的前部分排序数字,支持每次运行代码不写到同一个文件中 Args: file_store_path; Returns: file nums """ if not os.path.exists(file_store_path): return 1 try: return max([int(file_name.split("_")[0]) for file_name in os.listdir(file_store_path)]) + 1 except ValueError: return 1 class WeiboCsvStoreImplement(AbstractStore): csv_store_path: str = "data/weibo" file_count: int = calculate_number_of_files(csv_store_path) def make_save_file_name(self, store_type: str) -> str: """ make save file name by store type Args: store_type: contents or comments Returns: eg: data/bilibili/search_comments_20240114.csv ... """ return f"{self.csv_store_path}/{crawler_type_var.get()}_{store_type}_{utils.get_current_date()}.csv" async def save_data_to_csv(self, save_item: Dict, store_type: str): """ Below is a simple way to save it in CSV format. Args: save_item: save content dict info store_type: Save type contains content and comments(contents | comments) Returns: no returns """ pathlib.Path(self.csv_store_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) save_file_name = self.make_save_file_name(store_type=store_type) async with aiofiles.open(save_file_name, mode='a+', encoding="utf-8-sig", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) if await f.tell() == 0: await writer.writerow(save_item.keys()) await writer.writerow(save_item.values()) async def store_content(self, content_item: Dict): """ Weibo content CSV storage implementation Args: content_item: note item dict Returns: """ await self.save_data_to_csv(save_item=content_item, store_type="contents") async def store_comment(self, comment_item: Dict): """ Weibo comment CSV storage implementation Args: comment_item: comment item dict Returns: """ await self.save_data_to_csv(save_item=comment_item, store_type="comments") async def store_creator(self, creator: Dict): """ Weibo creator CSV storage implementation Args: creator: Returns: """ await self.save_data_to_csv(save_item=creator, store_type="creators") class WeiboDbStoreImplement(AbstractStore): async def store_content(self, content_item: Dict): """ Weibo content DB storage implementation Args: content_item: content item dict Returns: """ from .weibo_store_sql import (add_new_content, query_content_by_content_id, update_content_by_content_id) note_id = content_item.get("note_id") note_detail: Dict = await query_content_by_content_id(content_id=note_id) if not note_detail: content_item["add_ts"] = utils.get_current_timestamp() await add_new_content(content_item) else: await update_content_by_content_id(note_id, content_item=content_item) async def store_comment(self, comment_item: Dict): """ Weibo content DB storage implementation Args: comment_item: comment item dict Returns: """ from .weibo_store_sql import (add_new_comment, query_comment_by_comment_id, update_comment_by_comment_id) comment_id = comment_item.get("comment_id") comment_detail: Dict = await query_comment_by_comment_id(comment_id=comment_id) if not comment_detail: comment_item["add_ts"] = utils.get_current_timestamp() await add_new_comment(comment_item) else: await update_comment_by_comment_id(comment_id, comment_item=comment_item) async def store_creator(self, creator: Dict): """ Weibo creator DB storage implementation Args: creator: Returns: """ from .weibo_store_sql import (add_new_creator, query_creator_by_user_id, update_creator_by_user_id) user_id = creator.get("user_id") user_detail: Dict = await query_creator_by_user_id(user_id) if not user_detail: creator["add_ts"] = utils.get_current_timestamp() await add_new_creator(creator) else: await update_creator_by_user_id(user_id, creator) class WeiboJsonStoreImplement(AbstractStore): json_store_path: str = "data/weibo/json" words_store_path: str = "data/weibo/words" lock = asyncio.Lock() file_count: int = calculate_number_of_files(json_store_path) WordCloud = words.AsyncWordCloudGenerator() def make_save_file_name(self, store_type: str) -> (str, str): """ make save file name by store type Args: store_type: Save type contains content and comments(contents | comments) Returns: """ return ( f"{self.json_store_path}/{crawler_type_var.get()}_{store_type}_{utils.get_current_date()}.json", f"{self.words_store_path}/{crawler_type_var.get()}_{store_type}_{utils.get_current_date()}" ) async def save_data_to_json(self, save_item: Dict, store_type: str): """ Below is a simple way to save it in json format. Args: save_item: save content dict info store_type: Save type contains content and comments(contents | comments) Returns: """ pathlib.Path(self.json_store_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pathlib.Path(self.words_store_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) save_file_name, words_file_name_prefix = self.make_save_file_name(store_type=store_type) save_data = [] async with self.lock: if os.path.exists(save_file_name): async with aiofiles.open(save_file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: save_data = json.loads(await file.read()) save_data.append(save_item) async with aiofiles.open(save_file_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: await file.write(json.dumps(save_data, ensure_ascii=False)) if config.ENABLE_GET_COMMENTS and config.ENABLE_GET_WORDCLOUD: try: await self.WordCloud.generate_word_frequency_and_cloud(save_data, words_file_name_prefix) except: pass async def store_content(self, content_item: Dict): """ content JSON storage implementation Args: content_item: Returns: """ await self.save_data_to_json(content_item, "contents") async def store_comment(self, comment_item: Dict): """ comment JSON storage implementatio Args: comment_item: Returns: """ await self.save_data_to_json(comment_item, "comments") async def store_creator(self, creator: Dict): """ creator JSON storage implementation Args: creator: Returns: """ await self.save_data_to_json(creator, "creators")