# 声明:本代码仅供学习和研究目的使用。使用者应遵守以下原则: # 1. 不得用于任何商业用途。 # 2. 使用时应遵守目标平台的使用条款和robots.txt规则。 # 3. 不得进行大规模爬取或对平台造成运营干扰。 # 4. 应合理控制请求频率,避免给目标平台带来不必要的负担。 # 5. 不得用于任何非法或不当的用途。 # # 详细许可条款请参阅项目根目录下的LICENSE文件。 # 使用本代码即表示您同意遵守上述原则和LICENSE中的所有条款。 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : relakkes@gmail.com # @Time : 2023/12/23 15:40 # @Desc : 微博爬虫 API 请求 client import asyncio import copy import json import re from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union from urllib.parse import parse_qs, unquote, urlencode import httpx from httpx import Response from playwright.async_api import BrowserContext, Page import config from tools import utils from .exception import DataFetchError from .field import SearchType class WeiboClient: def __init__( self, timeout=10, proxies=None, *, headers: Dict[str, str], playwright_page: Page, cookie_dict: Dict[str, str], ): self.proxies = proxies self.timeout = timeout self.headers = headers self._host = "https://m.weibo.cn" self.playwright_page = playwright_page self.cookie_dict = cookie_dict self._image_agent_host = "https://i1.wp.com/" async def request(self, method, url, **kwargs) -> Union[Response, Dict]: enable_return_response = kwargs.pop("return_response", False) async with httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=self.proxies) as client: response = await client.request( method, url, timeout=self.timeout, **kwargs ) if enable_return_response: return response data: Dict = response.json() ok_code = data.get("ok") if ok_code not in [0, 1]: utils.logger.error(f"[WeiboClient.request] request {method}:{url} err, res:{data}") raise DataFetchError(data.get("msg", "unkonw error")) else: return data.get("data", {}) async def get(self, uri: str, params=None, headers=None, **kwargs) -> Union[Response, Dict]: final_uri = uri if isinstance(params, dict): final_uri = (f"{uri}?" f"{urlencode(params)}") if headers is None: headers = self.headers return await self.request(method="GET", url=f"{self._host}{final_uri}", headers=headers, **kwargs) async def post(self, uri: str, data: dict) -> Dict: json_str = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False) return await self.request(method="POST", url=f"{self._host}{uri}", data=json_str, headers=self.headers) async def pong(self) -> bool: """get a note to check if login state is ok""" utils.logger.info("[WeiboClient.pong] Begin pong weibo...") ping_flag = False try: uri = "/api/config" resp_data: Dict = await self.request(method="GET", url=f"{self._host}{uri}", headers=self.headers) if resp_data.get("login"): ping_flag = True else: utils.logger.error(f"[WeiboClient.pong] cookie may be invalid and again login...") except Exception as e: utils.logger.error(f"[WeiboClient.pong] Pong weibo failed: {e}, and try to login again...") ping_flag = False return ping_flag async def update_cookies(self, browser_context: BrowserContext): cookie_str, cookie_dict = utils.convert_cookies(await browser_context.cookies()) self.headers["Cookie"] = cookie_str self.cookie_dict = cookie_dict async def get_note_by_keyword( self, keyword: str, page: int = 1, search_type: SearchType = SearchType.DEFAULT ) -> Dict: """ search note by keyword :param keyword: 微博搜搜的关键词 :param page: 分页参数 -当前页码 :param search_type: 搜索的类型,见 weibo/filed.py 中的枚举SearchType :return: """ uri = "/api/container/getIndex" containerid = f"100103type={search_type.value}&q={keyword}" params = { "containerid": containerid, "page_type": "searchall", "page": page, } return await self.get(uri, params) async def get_note_comments(self, mid_id: str, max_id: int) -> Dict: """get notes comments :param mid_id: 微博ID :param max_id: 分页参数ID :return: """ uri = "/comments/hotflow" params = { "id": mid_id, "mid": mid_id, "max_id_type": 0, } if max_id > 0: params.update({"max_id": max_id}) referer_url = f"https://m.weibo.cn/detail/{mid_id}" headers = copy.copy(self.headers) headers["Referer"] = referer_url return await self.get(uri, params, headers=headers) async def get_note_all_comments(self, note_id: str, crawl_interval: float = 1.0, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, max_count: int = 10, ): """ get note all comments include sub comments :param note_id: :param crawl_interval: :param callback: :param max_count: :return: """ result = [] is_end = False max_id = -1 while not is_end and len(result) < max_count: comments_res = await self.get_note_comments(note_id, max_id) max_id: int = comments_res.get("max_id") comment_list: List[Dict] = comments_res.get("data", []) is_end = max_id == 0 if len(result) + len(comment_list) > max_count: comment_list = comment_list[:max_count - len(result)] if callback: # 如果有回调函数,就执行回调函数 await callback(note_id, comment_list) await asyncio.sleep(crawl_interval) result.extend(comment_list) sub_comment_result = await self.get_comments_all_sub_comments(note_id, comment_list, callback) result.extend(sub_comment_result) return result @staticmethod async def get_comments_all_sub_comments(note_id: str, comment_list: List[Dict], callback: Optional[Callable] = None) -> List[Dict]: """ 获取评论的所有子评论 Args: note_id: comment_list: callback: Returns: """ if not config.ENABLE_GET_SUB_COMMENTS: utils.logger.info( f"[WeiboClient.get_comments_all_sub_comments] Crawling sub_comment mode is not enabled") return [] res_sub_comments = [] for comment in comment_list: sub_comments = comment.get("comments") if sub_comments and isinstance(sub_comments, list): await callback(note_id, sub_comments) res_sub_comments.extend(sub_comments) return res_sub_comments async def get_note_info_by_id(self, note_id: str) -> Dict: """ 根据帖子ID获取详情 :param note_id: :return: """ url = f"{self._host}/detail/{note_id}" async with httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=self.proxies) as client: response = await client.request( "GET", url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers ) if response.status_code != 200: raise DataFetchError(f"get weibo detail err: {response.text}") match = re.search(r'var \$render_data = (\[.*?\])\[0\]', response.text, re.DOTALL) if match: render_data_json = match.group(1) render_data_dict = json.loads(render_data_json) note_detail = render_data_dict[0].get("status") note_item = { "mblog": note_detail } return note_item else: utils.logger.info(f"[WeiboClient.get_note_info_by_id] 未找到$render_data的值") return dict() async def get_note_image(self, image_url: str) -> bytes: image_url = image_url[8:] # 去掉 https:// sub_url = image_url.split("/") image_url = "" for i in range(len(sub_url)): if i == 1: image_url += "large/" # 都获取高清大图 elif i == len(sub_url) - 1: image_url += sub_url[i] else: image_url += sub_url[i] + "/" # 微博图床对外存在防盗链,所以需要代理访问 # 由于微博图片是通过 i1.wp.com 来访问的,所以需要拼接一下 final_uri = (f"{self._image_agent_host}" f"{image_url}") async with httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=self.proxies) as client: response = await client.request("GET", final_uri, timeout=self.timeout) if not response.reason_phrase == "OK": utils.logger.error(f"[WeiboClient.get_note_image] request {final_uri} err, res:{response.text}") return None else: return response.content async def get_creator_container_info(self, creator_id: str) -> Dict: """ 获取用户的容器ID, 容器信息代表着真实请求的API路径 fid_container_id:用户的微博详情API的容器ID lfid_container_id:用户的微博列表API的容器ID Args: creator_id: Returns: { """ response = await self.get(f"/u/{creator_id}", return_response=True) m_weibocn_params = response.cookies.get("M_WEIBOCN_PARAMS") if not m_weibocn_params: raise DataFetchError("get containerid failed") m_weibocn_params_dict = parse_qs(unquote(m_weibocn_params)) return { "fid_container_id": m_weibocn_params_dict.get("fid", [""])[0], "lfid_container_id": m_weibocn_params_dict.get("lfid", [""])[0] } async def get_creator_info_by_id(self, creator_id: str) -> Dict: """ 根据用户ID获取用户详情 Args: creator_id: Returns: """ uri = "/api/container/getIndex" container_info = await self.get_creator_container_info(creator_id) if container_info.get("fid_container_id") == "" or container_info.get("lfid_container_id") == "": utils.logger.error(f"[WeiboClient.get_creator_info_by_id] get containerid failed") raise DataFetchError("get containerid failed") params = { "jumpfrom": "weibocom", "type": "uid", "value": creator_id, "containerid": container_info["fid_container_id"], } user_res = await self.get(uri, params) if user_res.get("tabsInfo"): tabs: List[Dict] = user_res.get("tabsInfo", {}).get("tabs", []) for tab in tabs: if tab.get("tabKey") == "weibo": container_info["lfid_container_id"] = tab.get("containerid") break user_res.update(container_info) return user_res async def get_notes_by_creator(self, creator: str, container_id: str, since_id: str = "0", ) -> Dict: """ 获取博主的笔记 Args: creator: 博主ID container_id: 容器ID since_id: 上一页最后一条笔记的ID Returns: """ uri = "/api/container/getIndex" params = { "jumpfrom": "weibocom", "type": "uid", "value": creator, "containerid": container_id, "since_id": since_id, } return await self.get(uri, params) async def get_all_notes_by_creator_id(self, creator_id: str, container_id: str, crawl_interval: float = 1.0, callback: Optional[Callable] = None) -> List[Dict]: """ 获取指定用户下的所有发过的帖子,该方法会一直查找一个用户下的所有帖子信息 Args: creator_id: container_id: crawl_interval: callback: Returns: """ result = [] notes_has_more = True since_id = "" crawler_total_count = 0 while notes_has_more: notes_res = await self.get_notes_by_creator(creator_id, container_id, since_id) if not notes_res: utils.logger.error( f"[WeiboClient.get_notes_by_creator] The current creator may have been banned by xhs, so they cannot access the data.") break since_id = notes_res.get("cardlistInfo", {}).get("since_id", "0") if "cards" not in notes_res: utils.logger.info( f"[WeiboClient.get_all_notes_by_creator] No 'notes' key found in response: {notes_res}") break notes = notes_res["cards"] utils.logger.info( f"[WeiboClient.get_all_notes_by_creator] got user_id:{creator_id} notes len : {len(notes)}") notes = [note for note in notes if note.get("card_type") == 9] if callback: await callback(notes) await asyncio.sleep(crawl_interval) result.extend(notes) crawler_total_count += 10 notes_has_more = notes_res.get("cardlistInfo", {}).get("total", 0) > crawler_total_count return result