727 lines
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727 lines
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This file is part of ComfyUI.
Copyright (C) 2024 Comfy
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional
import torch
import copy
import inspect
import logging
import uuid
import collections
import math
import comfy.utils
import comfy.float
import comfy.model_management
import comfy.lora
import comfy.hooks
from comfy.comfy_types import UnetWrapperFunction
def string_to_seed(data):
crc = 0xFFFFFFFF
for byte in data:
if isinstance(byte, str):
byte = ord(byte)
crc ^= byte
for _ in range(8):
if crc & 1:
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ 0xEDB88320
crc >>= 1
return crc ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
def set_model_options_patch_replace(model_options, patch, name, block_name, number, transformer_index=None):
to = model_options["transformer_options"].copy()
if "patches_replace" not in to:
to["patches_replace"] = {}
to["patches_replace"] = to["patches_replace"].copy()
if name not in to["patches_replace"]:
to["patches_replace"][name] = {}
to["patches_replace"][name] = to["patches_replace"][name].copy()
if transformer_index is not None:
block = (block_name, number, transformer_index)
block = (block_name, number)
to["patches_replace"][name][block] = patch
model_options["transformer_options"] = to
return model_options
def set_model_options_post_cfg_function(model_options, post_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=False):
model_options["sampler_post_cfg_function"] = model_options.get("sampler_post_cfg_function", []) + [post_cfg_function]
if disable_cfg1_optimization:
model_options["disable_cfg1_optimization"] = True
return model_options
def set_model_options_pre_cfg_function(model_options, pre_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=False):
model_options["sampler_pre_cfg_function"] = model_options.get("sampler_pre_cfg_function", []) + [pre_cfg_function]
if disable_cfg1_optimization:
model_options["disable_cfg1_optimization"] = True
return model_options
def wipe_lowvram_weight(m):
if hasattr(m, "prev_comfy_cast_weights"):
m.comfy_cast_weights = m.prev_comfy_cast_weights
del m.prev_comfy_cast_weights
m.weight_function = None
m.bias_function = None
class LowVramPatch:
def __init__(self, key, patches):
self.key = key
self.patches = patches
def __call__(self, weight):
return comfy.lora.calculate_weight(self.patches[self.key], weight, self.key, intermediate_dtype=weight.dtype)
class ModelPatcher:
def __init__(self, model, load_device, offload_device, size=0, weight_inplace_update=False):
self.size = size
self.model = model
if not hasattr(self.model, 'device'):
logging.debug("Model doesn't have a device attribute.")
self.model.device = offload_device
elif self.model.device is None:
self.model.device = offload_device
self.patches = {}
self.backup = {}
self.object_patches = {}
self.object_patches_backup = {}
self.model_options = {"transformer_options":{}}
self.load_device = load_device
self.offload_device = offload_device
self.weight_inplace_update = weight_inplace_update
self.patches_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
self.hook_patches: Dict[comfy.hooks.HookRef] = {}
self.hook_backup: Dict[str, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.device]] = {}
self.cached_hook_patches: Dict[comfy.hooks.HookWeightGroup, Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] = {}
self.current_hooks: Optional[comfy.hooks.HookWeightGroup] = None
# TODO: hook_mode should be entirely removed; behavior should be determined by remaining VRAM/memory
self.hook_mode = comfy.hooks.EnumHookMode.MaxSpeed
if not hasattr(self.model, 'model_loaded_weight_memory'):
self.model.model_loaded_weight_memory = 0
if not hasattr(self.model, 'lowvram_patch_counter'):
self.model.lowvram_patch_counter = 0
if not hasattr(self.model, 'model_lowvram'):
self.model.model_lowvram = False
def model_size(self):
if self.size > 0:
return self.size
self.size = comfy.model_management.module_size(self.model)
return self.size
def loaded_size(self):
return self.model.model_loaded_weight_memory
def lowvram_patch_counter(self):
return self.model.lowvram_patch_counter
def clone(self):
n = ModelPatcher(self.model, self.load_device, self.offload_device, self.size, weight_inplace_update=self.weight_inplace_update)
n.patches = {}
for k in self.patches:
n.patches[k] = self.patches[k][:]
n.patches_uuid = self.patches_uuid
n.object_patches = self.object_patches.copy()
n.model_options = copy.deepcopy(self.model_options)
n.backup = self.backup
n.object_patches_backup = self.object_patches_backup
# hooks
for hook_ref in self.hook_patches:
n.hook_patches[hook_ref] = {}
for k in self.hook_patches[hook_ref]:
n.hook_patches[hook_ref][k] = self.hook_patches[hook_ref][k][:]
# TODO: do we really need to clone cached_hook_patches/current_hooks?
for group in self.cached_hook_patches:
n.cached_hook_patches[group] = {}
for k in self.cached_hook_patches[group]:
n.cached_hook_patches[group][k] = self.cached_hook_patches[group][k]
n.hook_backup = self.hook_backup
n.current_hooks = self.current_hooks
n.hook_mode = self.hook_mode
return n
def is_clone(self, other):
if hasattr(other, 'model') and self.model is other.model:
return True
return False
def clone_has_same_weights(self, clone: 'ModelPatcher'):
if not self.is_clone(clone):
return False
if len(self.hook_patches) > 0: # TODO: check if this workaround is necessary
return False
if self.current_hooks != clone.current_hooks:
return False
if self.hook_patches.keys() != clone.hook_patches.keys():
return False
if len(self.patches) == 0 and len(clone.patches) == 0:
return True
if self.patches_uuid == clone.patches_uuid:
if len(self.patches) != len(clone.patches):
logging.warning("WARNING: something went wrong, same patch uuid but different length of patches.")
return True
def memory_required(self, input_shape):
return self.model.memory_required(input_shape=input_shape)
def set_model_sampler_cfg_function(self, sampler_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=False):
if len(inspect.signature(sampler_cfg_function).parameters) == 3:
self.model_options["sampler_cfg_function"] = lambda args: sampler_cfg_function(args["cond"], args["uncond"], args["cond_scale"]) #Old way
self.model_options["sampler_cfg_function"] = sampler_cfg_function
if disable_cfg1_optimization:
self.model_options["disable_cfg1_optimization"] = True
def set_model_sampler_post_cfg_function(self, post_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=False):
self.model_options = set_model_options_post_cfg_function(self.model_options, post_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization)
def set_model_sampler_pre_cfg_function(self, pre_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization=False):
self.model_options = set_model_options_pre_cfg_function(self.model_options, pre_cfg_function, disable_cfg1_optimization)
def set_model_unet_function_wrapper(self, unet_wrapper_function: UnetWrapperFunction):
self.model_options["model_function_wrapper"] = unet_wrapper_function
def set_model_denoise_mask_function(self, denoise_mask_function):
self.model_options["denoise_mask_function"] = denoise_mask_function
def set_model_patch(self, patch, name):
to = self.model_options["transformer_options"]
if "patches" not in to:
to["patches"] = {}
to["patches"][name] = to["patches"].get(name, []) + [patch]
def set_model_patch_replace(self, patch, name, block_name, number, transformer_index=None):
self.model_options = set_model_options_patch_replace(self.model_options, patch, name, block_name, number, transformer_index=transformer_index)
def set_model_attn1_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn1_patch")
def set_model_attn2_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn2_patch")
def set_model_attn1_replace(self, patch, block_name, number, transformer_index=None):
self.set_model_patch_replace(patch, "attn1", block_name, number, transformer_index)
def set_model_attn2_replace(self, patch, block_name, number, transformer_index=None):
self.set_model_patch_replace(patch, "attn2", block_name, number, transformer_index)
def set_model_attn1_output_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn1_output_patch")
def set_model_attn2_output_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "attn2_output_patch")
def set_model_input_block_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "input_block_patch")
def set_model_input_block_patch_after_skip(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "input_block_patch_after_skip")
def set_model_output_block_patch(self, patch):
self.set_model_patch(patch, "output_block_patch")
def add_object_patch(self, name, obj):
self.object_patches[name] = obj
def get_model_object(self, name):
if name in self.object_patches:
return self.object_patches[name]
if name in self.object_patches_backup:
return self.object_patches_backup[name]
return comfy.utils.get_attr(self.model, name)
def model_patches_to(self, device):
to = self.model_options["transformer_options"]
if "patches" in to:
patches = to["patches"]
for name in patches:
patch_list = patches[name]
for i in range(len(patch_list)):
if hasattr(patch_list[i], "to"):
patch_list[i] = patch_list[i].to(device)
if "patches_replace" in to:
patches = to["patches_replace"]
for name in patches:
patch_list = patches[name]
for k in patch_list:
if hasattr(patch_list[k], "to"):
patch_list[k] = patch_list[k].to(device)
if "model_function_wrapper" in self.model_options:
wrap_func = self.model_options["model_function_wrapper"]
if hasattr(wrap_func, "to"):
self.model_options["model_function_wrapper"] = wrap_func.to(device)
def model_dtype(self):
if hasattr(self.model, "get_dtype"):
return self.model.get_dtype()
def add_patches(self, patches, strength_patch=1.0, strength_model=1.0):
p = set()
model_sd = self.model.state_dict()
for k in patches:
offset = None
function = None
if isinstance(k, str):
key = k
offset = k[1]
key = k[0]
if len(k) > 2:
function = k[2]
if key in model_sd:
current_patches = self.patches.get(key, [])
current_patches.append((strength_patch, patches[k], strength_model, offset, function))
self.patches[key] = current_patches
self.patches_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
return list(p)
def get_key_patches(self, filter_prefix=None):
model_sd = self.model_state_dict()
p = {}
for k in model_sd:
if filter_prefix is not None:
if not k.startswith(filter_prefix):
if k in self.patches:
p[k] = [model_sd[k]] + self.patches[k]
p[k] = (model_sd[k],)
return p
def model_state_dict(self, filter_prefix=None):
sd = self.model.state_dict()
keys = list(sd.keys())
if filter_prefix is not None:
for k in keys:
if not k.startswith(filter_prefix):
return sd
def patch_weight_to_device(self, key, device_to=None, inplace_update=False):
if key not in self.patches:
weight = comfy.utils.get_attr(self.model, key)
inplace_update = self.weight_inplace_update or inplace_update
if key not in self.backup:
self.backup[key] = collections.namedtuple('Dimension', ['weight', 'inplace_update'])(weight.to(device=self.offload_device, copy=inplace_update), inplace_update)
if device_to is not None:
temp_weight = comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(weight, device_to, torch.float32, copy=True)
temp_weight = weight.to(torch.float32, copy=True)
out_weight = comfy.lora.calculate_weight(self.patches[key], temp_weight, key)
out_weight = comfy.float.stochastic_rounding(out_weight, weight.dtype, seed=string_to_seed(key))
if inplace_update:
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, key, out_weight)
comfy.utils.set_attr_param(self.model, key, out_weight)
def load(self, device_to=None, lowvram_model_memory=0, force_patch_weights=False, full_load=False):
mem_counter = 0
patch_counter = 0
lowvram_counter = 0
loading = []
for n, m in self.model.named_modules():
if hasattr(m, "comfy_cast_weights") or hasattr(m, "weight"):
loading.append((comfy.model_management.module_size(m), n, m))
load_completely = []
for x in loading:
n = x[1]
m = x[2]
module_mem = x[0]
lowvram_weight = False
if not full_load and hasattr(m, "comfy_cast_weights"):
if mem_counter + module_mem >= lowvram_model_memory:
lowvram_weight = True
lowvram_counter += 1
if hasattr(m, "prev_comfy_cast_weights"): #Already lowvramed
weight_key = "{}.weight".format(n)
bias_key = "{}.bias".format(n)
if lowvram_weight:
if weight_key in self.patches:
if force_patch_weights:
m.weight_function = LowVramPatch(weight_key, self.patches)
patch_counter += 1
if bias_key in self.patches:
if force_patch_weights:
m.bias_function = LowVramPatch(bias_key, self.patches)
patch_counter += 1
m.prev_comfy_cast_weights = m.comfy_cast_weights
m.comfy_cast_weights = True
if hasattr(m, "comfy_cast_weights"):
if m.comfy_cast_weights:
if hasattr(m, "weight"):
mem_counter += module_mem
load_completely.append((module_mem, n, m))
for x in load_completely:
n = x[1]
m = x[2]
weight_key = "{}.weight".format(n)
bias_key = "{}.bias".format(n)
if hasattr(m, "comfy_patched_weights"):
if m.comfy_patched_weights == True:
self.patch_weight_to_device(weight_key, device_to=device_to)
self.patch_weight_to_device(bias_key, device_to=device_to)
logging.debug("lowvram: loaded module regularly {} {}".format(n, m))
m.comfy_patched_weights = True
for x in load_completely:
if lowvram_counter > 0:
logging.info("loaded partially {} {} {}".format(lowvram_model_memory / (1024 * 1024), mem_counter / (1024 * 1024), patch_counter))
self.model.model_lowvram = True
logging.info("loaded completely {} {} {}".format(lowvram_model_memory / (1024 * 1024), mem_counter / (1024 * 1024), full_load))
self.model.model_lowvram = False
if full_load:
mem_counter = self.model_size()
self.model.lowvram_patch_counter += patch_counter
self.model.device = device_to
self.model.model_loaded_weight_memory = mem_counter
def patch_model(self, device_to=None, lowvram_model_memory=0, load_weights=True, force_patch_weights=False):
for k in self.object_patches:
old = comfy.utils.set_attr(self.model, k, self.object_patches[k])
if k not in self.object_patches_backup:
self.object_patches_backup[k] = old
if lowvram_model_memory == 0:
full_load = True
full_load = False
if load_weights:
self.load(device_to, lowvram_model_memory=lowvram_model_memory, force_patch_weights=force_patch_weights, full_load=full_load)
return self.model
def unpatch_model(self, device_to=None, unpatch_weights=True):
if unpatch_weights:
if self.model.model_lowvram:
for m in self.model.modules():
self.model.model_lowvram = False
self.model.lowvram_patch_counter = 0
keys = list(self.backup.keys())
for k in keys:
bk = self.backup[k]
if bk.inplace_update:
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, k, bk.weight)
comfy.utils.set_attr_param(self.model, k, bk.weight)
if device_to is not None:
self.model.device = device_to
self.model.model_loaded_weight_memory = 0
for m in self.model.modules():
if hasattr(m, "comfy_patched_weights"):
del m.comfy_patched_weights
keys = list(self.object_patches_backup.keys())
for k in keys:
comfy.utils.set_attr(self.model, k, self.object_patches_backup[k])
def partially_unload(self, device_to, memory_to_free=0):
memory_freed = 0
patch_counter = 0
unload_list = []
for n, m in self.model.named_modules():
shift_lowvram = False
if hasattr(m, "comfy_cast_weights"):
module_mem = comfy.model_management.module_size(m)
unload_list.append((module_mem, n, m))
for unload in unload_list:
if memory_to_free < memory_freed:
module_mem = unload[0]
n = unload[1]
m = unload[2]
weight_key = "{}.weight".format(n)
bias_key = "{}.bias".format(n)
if hasattr(m, "comfy_patched_weights") and m.comfy_patched_weights == True:
for key in [weight_key, bias_key]:
bk = self.backup.get(key, None)
if bk is not None:
if bk.inplace_update:
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, key, bk.weight)
comfy.utils.set_attr_param(self.model, key, bk.weight)
if weight_key in self.patches:
m.weight_function = LowVramPatch(weight_key, self.patches)
patch_counter += 1
if bias_key in self.patches:
m.bias_function = LowVramPatch(bias_key, self.patches)
patch_counter += 1
m.prev_comfy_cast_weights = m.comfy_cast_weights
m.comfy_cast_weights = True
m.comfy_patched_weights = False
memory_freed += module_mem
logging.debug("freed {}".format(n))
self.model.model_lowvram = True
self.model.lowvram_patch_counter += patch_counter
self.model.model_loaded_weight_memory -= memory_freed
return memory_freed
def partially_load(self, device_to, extra_memory=0):
full_load = False
if self.model.model_lowvram == False:
return 0
if self.model.model_loaded_weight_memory + extra_memory > self.model_size():
full_load = True
current_used = self.model.model_loaded_weight_memory
self.load(device_to, lowvram_model_memory=current_used + extra_memory, full_load=full_load)
return self.model.model_loaded_weight_memory - current_used
def current_loaded_device(self):
return self.model.device
def calculate_weight(self, patches, weight, key, intermediate_dtype=torch.float32):
print("WARNING the ModelPatcher.calculate_weight function is deprecated, please use: comfy.lora.calculate_weight instead")
return comfy.lora.calculate_weight(patches, weight, key, intermediate_dtype=intermediate_dtype)
def clean(self):
def set_hook_mode(self, hook_mode: comfy.hooks.EnumHookMode):
self.hook_mode = hook_mode
def prepare_hook_patches_current_keyframe(self, t: torch.Tensor, hook_group: comfy.hooks.HookWeightGroup):
curr_t = t[0]
for hook in hook_group.hooks:
changed = hook.hook_keyframe.prepare_current_keyframe(curr_t=curr_t)
# if keyframe changed, remove any cached LoraHookGroups that contain hook with the same hook_ref;
# this will cause the weights to be recalculated when sampling
if changed:
# reset current_lora_hooks if contains lora hook that changed
if self.current_hooks is not None:
for current_hook in self.current_hooks.hooks:
if current_hook == hook:
self.current_hooks = None
for cached_group in list(self.cached_hook_patches.keys()):
if cached_group.contains(hook):
def add_hook_patches(self, hook: comfy.hooks.HookWeight, patches, strength_patch=1.0, strength_model=1.0, is_diff=False):
# NOTE: this mirrors behavior of add_patches func
current_hook_patches: Dict[str,List] = self.hook_patches.get(hook.hook_ref, {})
p = set()
model_sd = self.model.state_dict()
for k in patches:
offset = None
function = None
if isinstance(k, str):
key = k
offset = k[1]
key = k[0]
if len(k) > 2:
function = k[2]
if key in model_sd:
current_patches: List[Tuple] = current_hook_patches.get(key, [])
if is_diff:
# take difference between desired weight and existing weight to get diff
# TODO: try to implement diff via strength_path/strength_model diff
model_dtype = comfy.utils.get_attr(self.model, key).dtype
if model_dtype in [torch.float8_e5m2, torch.float8_e4m3fn]:
diff_weight = (patches[k].to(torch.float32)-comfy.utils.get_attr(self.model, key).to(torch.float32)).to(model_dtype)
diff_weight = patches[k]-comfy.utils.get_attr(self.model, key)
current_patches.append((strength_patch, (diff_weight,), strength_model, offset, function))
current_patches.append((strength_patch, patches[k], strength_model, offset, function))
current_hook_patches[key] = current_patches
self.hook_patches[hook.hook_ref] = current_hook_patches
# since should care about these patches too to determine if same model, reroll patches_uuid
self.patches_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
return list(p)
def get_combined_hook_patches(self, hooks: comfy.hooks.HookWeightGroup):
# combined_patches will contain weights of all relevant hooks, per key
combined_patches = {}
if hooks is not None:
for hook in hooks.hooks:
hook_patches: Dict = self.hook_patches.get(hook.hook_ref, {})
for key in hook_patches.keys():
current_patches: List[Tuple] = combined_patches.get(key, [])
if math.isclose(hook.strength, 1.0):
# patches are stored as tuples: (strength_patch, (tuple_with_weights,), strength_model)
for patch in hook_patches[key]:
new_patch = List(patch)
new_patch[0] *= hook.strength
combined_patches[key] = current_patches
return combined_patches
def apply_hooks(self, hooks: comfy.hooks.HookWeightGroup):
if self.current_hooks == hooks:
def patch_hooks(self, hooks: comfy.hooks.HookWeightGroup):
model_sd = self.model_state_dict()
# if have cached weights for hooks, use it
cached_weights = self.cached_hook_patches.get(hooks, None)
if cached_weights is not None:
for key in cached_weights:
if key not in model_sd:
print(f"WARNING cached hook could not patch. key does not exist in model: {key}")
self.patch_cached_hook_weights(cached_weights=cached_weights, key=key)
relevant_patches = self.get_combined_hook_patches(hooks=hooks)
for key in relevant_patches:
if key not in model_sd:
print(f"WARNING cached hook would not patch. key does not exist in model: {key}")
self.patch_hook_weight_to_device(hooks=hooks, combined_patches=relevant_patches, key=key)
self.current_hooks = hooks
def patch_cached_hook_weights(self, cached_weights: Dict, key: str):
if key not in self.hook_backup:
weight: torch.Tensor = comfy.utils.get_attr(self.model, key)
target_device = self.offload_device
if self.hook_mode == comfy.hooks.EnumHookMode.MaxSpeed:
target_device = weight.device
self.hook_backup[key] = (weight.to(device=target_device, copy=self.weight_inplace_update), weight.device)
if self.weight_inplace_update:
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, key, cached_weights[key])
comfy.utils.set_attr_param(self.model, key, cached_weights[key])
def clear_cached_hook_weights(self):
self.current_hooks = None
def patch_hook_weight_to_device(self, hooks: comfy.hooks.HookWeightGroup, combined_patches: dict, key: str):
if key not in combined_patches:
weight: torch.Tensor = comfy.utils.get_attr(self.model, key)
if key not in self.hook_backup:
target_device = self.offload_device
if self.hook_mode == comfy.hooks.EnumHookMode.MaxSpeed:
target_device = weight.device
self.hook_backup[key] = (weight.to(device=target_device, copy=self.weight_inplace_update), weight.device)
# TODO: properly handle lowvram situations for cached hook patches
temp_weight = comfy.model_management.cast_to_device(weight, weight.device, torch.float32, copy=True)
out_weight = comfy.lora.calculate_weight(combined_patches[key], temp_weight, key).to(weight.dtype)
if self.hook_mode == comfy.hooks.EnumHookMode.MaxSpeed:
self.cached_hook_patches.setdefault(hooks, {})
self.cached_hook_patches[hooks][key] = out_weight
if self.weight_inplace_update:
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, key, out_weight)
comfy.utils.set_attr_param(self.model, key, out_weight)
def unpatch_hooks(self) -> None:
if len(self.hook_backup) == 0:
keys = list(self.hook_backup.keys())
if self.weight_inplace_update:
for k in keys:
if self.hook_mode == comfy.hooks.EnumHookMode.MaxSpeed: # does not need to be cast; device already matches
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, k, self.hook_backup[k][0])
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, k, self.hook_backup[k][0].to(device=self.hook_backup[k][1]))
for k in keys:
if self.hook_mode == comfy.hooks.EnumHookMode.MaxSpeed:
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, k, self.hook_backup[k][0])
comfy.utils.copy_to_param(self.model, k, self.hook_backup[k][0].to(device=self.hook_backup[k][1]))
self.current_hooks = None # TODO: should this be clear_cached_hook_weights instead?
def clean_hooks(self):