import { api } from "./api.js"; function $el(tag, propsOrChildren, children) { const split = tag.split("."); const element = document.createElement(split.shift()); element.classList.add(...split); if (propsOrChildren) { if (Array.isArray(propsOrChildren)) { element.append(...propsOrChildren); } else { const parent = propsOrChildren.parent; delete propsOrChildren.parent; const cb = propsOrChildren.$; delete propsOrChildren.$; Object.assign(element, propsOrChildren); if (children) { element.append(...children); } if (parent) { parent.append(element); } if (cb) { cb(element); } } } return element; } class ComfyDialog { constructor() { this.element = $el("div.comfy-modal", { parent: document.body }, [ $el("div.comfy-modal-content", [ $el("p", { $: (p) => (this.textElement = p) }), $el("button", { type: "button", textContent: "CLOSE", onclick: () => this.close(), }), ]), ]); } close() { = "none"; } show(html) { this.textElement.innerHTML = html; = "flex"; } } class ComfyList { #type; #text; constructor(text, type) { this.#text = text; this.#type = type || text.toLowerCase(); this.element = $el("div.comfy-list"); = "none"; } get visible() { return !== "none"; } async load() { const items = await api.getItems(this.#type); this.element.replaceChildren( ...Object.keys(items).flatMap((section) => [ $el("h4", { textContent: section, }), $el("div.comfy-list-items", [ ...items[section].map((item) => { // Allow items to specify a custom remove action (e.g. for interrupt current prompt) const removeAction = item.remove || { name: "Delete", cb: () => api.deleteItem(this.#type, item.prompt[1]), }; return $el("div", { textContent: item.prompt[0] + ": " }, [ $el("button", { textContent: "Load", onclick: () => { if (item.outputs) { app.nodeOutputs = item.outputs; } app.loadGraphData(item.prompt[3].extra_pnginfo.workflow); }, }), $el("button", { textContent:, onclick: async () => { await removeAction.cb(); await this.update(); }, }), ]); }), ]), ]), $el("div.comfy-list-actions", [ $el("button", { textContent: "Clear " + this.#text, onclick: async () => { await api.clearItems(this.#type); await this.load(); }, }), $el("button", { textContent: "Refresh", onclick: () => this.load() }), ]) ); } async update() { if (this.visible) { await this.load(); } } async show() { = "block"; this.button.textContent = "Close"; await this.load(); } hide() { = "none"; this.button.textContent = "See " + this.#text; } toggle() { if (this.visible) { this.hide(); return false; } else {; return true; } } } export class ComfyUI { constructor(app) { = app; this.dialog = new ComfyDialog(); this.queue = new ComfyList("Queue"); this.history = new ComfyList("History"); api.addEventListener("status", () => { this.queue.update(); this.history.update(); }); const fileInput = $el("input", { type: "file", accept: ".json,image/png", style: "display: none", parent: document.body, onchange: () => { app.handleFile(fileInput.files[0]); }, }); this.menuContainer = $el("div.comfy-menu", { parent: document.body }, [ $el("span", { $: (q) => (this.queueSize = q) }), $el("button.comfy-queue-btn", { textContent: "Queue Prompt", onclick: () => app.queuePrompt(0) }), $el("div.comfy-menu-btns", [ $el("button", { textContent: "Queue Front", onclick: () => app.queuePrompt(-1) }), $el("button", { $: (b) => (this.queue.button = b), textContent: "View Queue", onclick: () => { this.history.hide(); this.queue.toggle(); }, }), $el("button", { $: (b) => (this.history.button = b), textContent: "View History", onclick: () => { this.queue.hide(); this.history.toggle(); }, }), ]), this.queue.element, this.history.element, $el("button", { textContent: "Save", onclick: () => { const json = JSON.stringify(app.graph.serialize()); // convert the data to a JSON string const blob = new Blob([json], { type: "application/json" }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = $el("a", { href: url, download: "workflow.json", style: "display: none", parent: document.body, });; setTimeout(function () { a.remove(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); }, }), $el("button", { textContent: "Load", onclick: () => }), $el("button", { textContent: "Clear", onclick: () => app.graph.clear() }), $el("button", { textContent: "Load Default", onclick: () => app.loadGraphData() }), ]); this.setStatus({ exec_info: { queue_remaining: "X" } }); } setStatus(status) { this.queueSize.textContent = "Queue size: " + (status ? status.exec_info.queue_remaining : "ERR"); } }