import { ComfyWidgets } from "./widgets.js"; import { api } from "./api.js"; import { defaultGraph } from "./defaultGraph.js"; class ComfyDialog { constructor() { this.element = document.createElement("div"); this.element.classList.add("comfy-modal"); const content = document.createElement("div"); content.classList.add("comfy-modal-content"); this.textElement = document.createElement("p"); content.append(this.textElement); const closeBtn = document.createElement("button"); closeBtn.type = "button"; closeBtn.textContent = "CLOSE"; content.append(closeBtn); closeBtn.onclick = () => this.close(); this.element.append(content); document.body.append(this.element); } close() { = "none"; } show(html) { this.textElement.innerHTML = html; = "flex"; } } class ComfyQueue { constructor() { this.element = document.createElement("div"); } async update() { if ( !== "none") { await this.load(); } } async show() { = "block"; await this.load(); } async load() { const queue = await api.getQueue(); } hide() { = "none"; } } class ComfyUI { constructor(app) { = app; this.menuContainer = document.createElement("div"); this.menuContainer.classList.add("comfy-menu"); document.body.append(this.menuContainer); this.dialog = new ComfyDialog(); this.queue = new ComfyQueue(); } } class ComfyApp { constructor() { this.ui = new ComfyUI(this); this.nodeOutputs = {}; this.extensions = [ { name: "TestExtension", init(app) { console.log("[ext:init]", app); }, setup(app) { console.log("[ext:setup]", app); }, addCustomNodeDefs(defs, app) { console.log("[ext:addCustomNodeDefs]", defs, app); }, loadedGraphNode(node, app) { // console.log("[ext:loadedGraphNode]", node, app); }, getCustomWidgets(app) { console.log("[ext:getCustomWidgets]", app); return {}; }, beforeRegisterNode(nodeType, nodeData, app) { // console.log("[ext:beforeRegisterNode]", nodeType, nodeData, app); }, registerCustomNodes(app) { console.log("[ext:registerCustomNodes]", app); }, }, ]; } #log(message, ...other) { console.log("[comfy]", message, ...other); } #error(message, ...other) { console.error("[comfy]", message, ...other); } #invokeExtensions(method, ...args) { let results = []; for (const ext of this.extensions) { if (method in ext) { try { results.push(ext[method](...args, this)); } catch (error) { this.#error( `Error calling extension '${}' method '${method}'`, { error }, { extension: ext }, { args } ); } } } return results; } async #invokeExtensionsAsync(method, ...args) { return await Promise.all( (ext) => { if (method in ext) { try { return await ext[method](...args, this); } catch (error) { this.#error( `Error calling extension '${}' method '${method}'`, { error }, { extension: ext }, { args } ); } } }) ); } #addNodeContextMenuHandler(node) { node.prototype.getExtraMenuOptions = function (_, options) { if (this.imgs) { // If this node has images then we add an open in new tab item let img; if (this.imageIndex != null) { // An image is selected so select that img = this.imgs[this.imageIndex]; } else if (this.overIndex != null) { // No image is selected but one is hovered img = this.imgs[this.overIndex]; } if (img) { options.unshift({ content: "Open Image", callback: () =>, "_blank"), }); } } }; } #addDrawBackgroundHandler(node) { const app = this; node.prototype.onDrawBackground = function (ctx) { if (!this.flags.collapsed) { const output = app.nodeOutputs[ + ""]; if (output && output.images) { if (this.images !== output.images) { this.images = output.images; this.imgs = null; this.imageIndex = null; Promise.all( => { return new Promise((r) => { const img = new Image(); img.onload = () => r(img); img.onerror = () => r(null); img.src = "/view/" + src; }); }) ).then((imgs) => { if (this.images === output.images) { this.imgs = imgs.filter(Boolean); if (this.size[1] < 100) { this.size[1] = 250; } app.graph.setDirtyCanvas(true); } }); } if (this.imgs) { const canvas = graph.list_of_graphcanvas[0]; const mouse = canvas.graph_mouse; if (!canvas.pointer_is_down && this.pointerDown) { if (mouse[0] === this.pointerDown.pos[0] && mouse[1] === this.pointerDown.pos[1]) { this.imageIndex = this.pointerDown.index; } this.pointerDown = null; } let w = this.imgs[0].naturalWidth; let h = this.imgs[0].naturalHeight; let imageIndex = this.imageIndex; const numImages = this.imgs.length; if (numImages === 1 && !imageIndex) { this.imageIndex = imageIndex = 0; } let shiftY = this.type === "SaveImage" ? 55 : 0; let dw = this.size[0]; let dh = this.size[1]; dh -= shiftY; if (imageIndex == null) { let best = 0; let cellWidth; let cellHeight; let cols = 0; let shiftX = 0; for (let c = 1; c <= numImages; c++) { const rows = Math.ceil(numImages / c); const cW = dw / c; const cH = dh / rows; const scaleX = cW / w; const scaleY = cH / h; const scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY, 1); const imageW = w * scale; const imageH = h * scale; const area = imageW * imageH * numImages; if (area > best) { best = area; cellWidth = imageW; cellHeight = imageH; cols = c; shiftX = c * ((cW - imageW) / 2); } } let anyHovered = false; this.imageRects = []; for (let i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { const img = this.imgs[i]; const row = Math.floor(i / cols); const col = i % cols; const x = col * cellWidth + shiftX; const y = row * cellHeight + shiftY; if (!anyHovered) { anyHovered = LiteGraph.isInsideRectangle( mouse[0], mouse[1], x + this.pos[0], y + this.pos[1], cellWidth, cellHeight ); if (anyHovered) { this.overIndex = i; let value = 110; if (canvas.pointer_is_down) { if (!this.pointerDown || this.pointerDown.index !== i) { this.pointerDown = { index: i, pos: [...mouse] }; } value = 125; } ctx.filter = `contrast(${value}%) brightness(${value}%)`; = "pointer"; } } this.imageRects.push([x, y, cellWidth, cellHeight]); ctx.drawImage(img, x, y, cellWidth, cellHeight); ctx.filter = "none"; } if (!anyHovered) { this.pointerDown = null; this.overIndex = null; } } else { // Draw individual const scaleX = dw / w; const scaleY = dh / h; const scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY, 1); w *= scale; h *= scale; let x = (dw - w) / 2; let y = (dh - h) / 2 + shiftY; ctx.drawImage(this.imgs[imageIndex], x, y, w, h); const drawButton = (x, y, sz, text) => { const hovered = LiteGraph.isInsideRectangle( mouse[0], mouse[1], x + this.pos[0], y + this.pos[1], sz, sz ); let fill = "#333"; let textFill = "#fff"; let isClicking = false; if (hovered) { = "pointer"; if (canvas.pointer_is_down) { fill = "#1e90ff"; isClicking = true; } else { fill = "#eee"; textFill = "#000"; } } else { this.pointerWasDown = null; } ctx.fillStyle = fill; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.roundRect(x, y, sz, sz, [4]); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = textFill; ctx.font = "12px Arial"; ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.fillText(text, x + 15, y + 20); return isClicking; }; if (numImages > 1) { if (drawButton(x + w - 35, y + h - 35, 30, `${this.imageIndex + 1}/${numImages}`)) { let i = this.imageIndex + 1 >= numImages ? 0 : this.imageIndex + 1; if (!this.pointerDown || !this.pointerDown.index === i) { this.pointerDown = { index: i, pos: [...mouse] }; } } if (drawButton(x + w - 35, y + 5, 30, `x`)) { if (!this.pointerDown || !this.pointerDown.index === null) { this.pointerDown = { index: null, pos: [...mouse] }; } } } } } } } }; } /** * Set up the app on the page */ async setup() { // Create and mount the LiteGraph in the DOM const canvasEl = Object.assign(document.createElement("canvas"), { id: "graph-canvas" }); document.body.prepend(canvasEl); this.graph = new LGraph(); const canvas = (this.canvas = new LGraphCanvas(canvasEl, this.graph)); this.ctx = canvasEl.getContext("2d"); this.graph.start(); function resizeCanvas() { canvasEl.width = canvasEl.offsetWidth; canvasEl.height = canvasEl.offsetHeight; canvas.draw(true, true); } // Ensure the canvas fills the window resizeCanvas(); window.addEventListener("resize", resizeCanvas); await this.#invokeExtensionsAsync("init"); await this.registerNodes(); // Load previous workflow let restored = false; try { const json = localStorage.getItem("workflow"); if (json) { const workflow = JSON.parse(json); this.loadGraphData(workflow); restored = true; } } catch (err) {} // We failed to restore a workflow so load the default if (!restored) { this.loadGraphData(defaultGraph); } // Save current workflow automatically setInterval(() => localStorage.setItem("workflow", JSON.stringify(this.graph.serialize())), 1000); await this.#invokeExtensionsAsync("setup"); } async registerNodes() { const app = this; // Load node definitions from the backend const defs = await api.getNodeDefs(); await this.#invokeExtensionsAsync("addCustomNodeDefs", defs); // Generate list of known widgets const widgets = Object.assign( {}, ComfyWidgets, ...(await this.#invokeExtensionsAsync("getCustomWidgets")).filter(Boolean) ); // Register a node for each definition for (const nodeId in defs) { const nodeData = defs[nodeId]; const node = Object.assign( function ComfyNode() { const inputs = nodeData["input"]["required"]; const config = { minWidth: 1, minHeight: 1 }; for (const inputName in inputs) { const inputData = inputs[inputName]; const type = inputData[0]; if (Array.isArray(type)) { // Enums e.g. latent rotation this.addWidget("combo", inputName, type[0], () => {}, { values: type }); } else if (`${type}:${inputName}` in widgets) { // Support custom widgets by Type:Name Object.assign(config, widgets[`${type}:${inputName}`](this, inputName, inputData, app) || {}); } else if (type in widgets) { // Standard type widgets Object.assign(config, widgets[type](this, inputName, inputData, app) || {}); } else { // Node connection inputs this.addInput(inputName, type); } } const s = this.computeSize(); s[0] = Math.max(config.minWidth, s[0] * 1.5); s[1] = Math.max(config.minHeight, s[1]); this.size = s; this.serialize_widgets = true; }, { title:, comfyClass:, } ); node.prototype.comfyClass =; this.#addNodeContextMenuHandler(node); this.#addDrawBackgroundHandler(node, app); await this.#invokeExtensionsAsync("beforeRegisterNode", node, nodeData); LiteGraph.registerNodeType(nodeId, node); node.category = nodeData.category; } await this.#invokeExtensionsAsync("registerCustomNodes"); } /** * Populates the graph with the specified workflow data * @param {*} graphData A serialized graph object */ loadGraphData(graphData) { this.graph.configure(graphData); for (const node of this.graph._nodes) { const size = node.computeSize(); size[0] = Math.max(node.size[0], size[0]); size[1] = Math.max(node.size[1], size[1]); node.size = size; if (node.widgets) { // If you break something in the backend and want to patch workflows in the frontend // This is the place to do this for (let widget of node.widgets) { if (node.type == "KSampler" || node.type == "KSamplerAdvanced") { if ( == "sampler_name") { if (widget.value.startsWith("sample_")) { wid.value = widget.value.slice(7); } } } } } this.#invokeExtensions("loadedGraphNode", node); } } graphToPrompt() { // TODO: Implement dynamic prompts const workflow = this.graph.serialize(); const output = {}; for (const n of workflow.nodes) { const inputs = {}; const node = this.graph.getNodeById(; const widgets = node.widgets; // Store all widget values if (widgets) { for (const widget of widgets) { if (widget.options.serialize !== false) { inputs[] = widget.value; } } } // Store all node links for (let i in node.inputs) { const link = node.getInputLink(i); if (link) { inputs[node.inputs[i].name] = [String(link.origin_id), parseInt(link.origin_slot)]; } } output[String(] = { inputs, class_type: node.comfyClass, }; } return { workflow, output }; } async queuePrompt(number) { const p = this.graphToPrompt(); try { await api.queuePrompt(number, p); } catch (error) { || error.toString()); return; } for (const n of p.workflow.nodes) { const node = graph.getNodeById(; if (node.widgets) { for (const widget of node.widgets) { // Allow widgets to run callbacks after a prompt has been queued // e.g. random seed after every gen if (widget.afterQueued) { widget.afterQueued(); } } } } this.canvas.draw(true, true); await this.ui.queue.update(); } } export const app = new ComfyApp();